Manifest authoring 
Gimlet helps with the manifest authoring process.
Building on Helm, it provides a generic Helm chart that covers the most common web application deployment use-cases.
Helm is a great tool, if you want to deploy a well-known infrastructure component, like Redis, but there will be no go-to chart for your own applications.
You can try writing your own, but that it is an even larger endeavour than piecing your yamls together from blog posts.
Most companies have internal best practices and reference implementations on deploying to Kubernetes. These usually include a Helm Chart or a corresponding internal tool.
But if you don't work for a company like that, you can use Gimlet's OneChart Helm Chart for your application.
Use OneChart to deploy your application
OneChart is a generic Helm Chart for web applications. The idea is that most Kubernetes manifests look alike, very few parts actually change.
The example below deploys your application image, sets environment variables, and configures the Kubernetes Ingress domain name:
helm repo add onechart
helm template my-release onechart/onechart -f values.yaml
# values.yaml
repository: my-app
tag: fd803fc
VAR_1: "value 1"
VAR_2: "value 2"
annotations: nginx
Getting started
Add the Onechart Helm repository:
helm repo add onechart
Set your image name and version, the boilerplate is generated.
helm template my-release onechart/onechart \
--set image.repository=nginx \
--set image.tag=1.19.3
Deploy with Helm:
helm install my-release onechart/onechart \
--set image.repository=nginx \
--set image.tag=1.19.3